Sunday, August 16, 2015

Therapy the Game

So my sister in law found this at a thrift store and being that's she's a psychologist, she had to have it. This is an 80s game and therefore has many of those pitfalls (roll and move, needing to be on certain spaces, etc.), but yet if you take this with a grain of salt and play for fun (meaning don't get all serious about the answers to the personal questions) and augment a few rules, it really is a bunch of fun.  So this has a trivial pursuit like mechanic in that you are moving around a board, collecting patients, which you get by successful "therapy."  Therapy is when you ask a question to someone and they write down their answer (so like how would you rate your self-esteem from 1 to 10) and you also write it down. If you are get it right, they are "cured."  (you get a 1 point leeway on each side for the numerical ones, so like if their answer as 8, you could put 7, 8 or 9).  You also do group therapy where they write it down and then the rest of you come up with an answer.  The one caveat here is you do need to know each other!  We had a bit of an issue with that with one person only knowing one other, so that was a bit hard at times.  We did change the rule where we never took away pegs (to shorten the game).   

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