Thursday, June 9, 2016


We talking about theme, one of the best (in our opinion) for theme in deck builders is Powerplay by Cryptozoic.  Now, first, Cryptozoic has one of the easiest deck builders to teach.  There is no actions and buys like in Dominion so you can almost always use your entire hand. 
What makes Powerplay so thematic is that you aren't adding villains to your deck to "help" you later like you are in the DC or Lord of the Rings versions, but rather you have defenders and attackers.  The defenders have the added benefit of allowing you to try to stop your opponent when s/he takes a shot on goal.  You are trying to win goalies (make goals) and have to be able to beat them.  Since you have make a decision to buy cards or take a shot on the goal, it adds a nice decision point.  If you want a simple DBG, but want some theme, this is a great game to take out. 

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